Once you start a business, change in your life is inevitable. The transformation of your day to day work and life existence can be challenging if you don’t have realistic expectations, balance and a positive outlook. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Expect Change
Change will be an inevitable force in your new business. As an entrepreneur you may have different hours, challenges, debt and income fluctuations than you did when you were employed. You will have less stress if you learn how to handle the day to day changes that come with business ownership. Expect change and accept that it will exist as part of your business life.

2. Prioritize Issues
Use a daily notebook or calendar to list challenges or changes that occur in your business. Ask yourself how important this issue will be today, next week, next month, six months from now or next year? Don’t allow “panic mode” to set in. Prioritize issues and schedule them in your calendar when you have time to devote to fixing them.
Issues that affect cash flow today or in the immediate future should be a top priority and receive immediate attention. Employees are secondary. Organizational items are at the bottom. Don’t ignore organization, just schedule time to deal with it. Slip other issues in between these three. This allows you to function at peak performance because you now have a system to deal with any concern or challenge that arises.

3. Act, Don’t React
Reaction involves emotion not planned action. In a stressful situation, the first thing that comes to your mind is typically not the best solution. Planned action is the mature business owners’ plan and is likely to be more effective in the long run. Train yourself to act effectively instead of react.

4. Learn and Grow
Little can rock you if you are confident that your decisions are the best actions possible under the circumstances. It relieves the worry of second guessing that can go on forever if you are unsure of your decisions. Learn all you can about any unfamiliar issues or new situations so you’re prepared. Use your system manuals and the Internet as resources.

5. Utilize your Support System
Use your staff support personnel, coaches or business mentors to assist you as needed.

6. Remain Positive
Expect good results. According to Proverbs 23:7, “For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Your thoughts lead you to your destiny through your actions. What you think about is what you become.

7. A Sense of Humor Helps
Many issues that cause stress today, can make us laugh in hindsight. Try to find humor in everything, so you can laugh a little each day.

8. Take Care of Yourself and your Family
Schedule time for family so they do not get lost in the shuffle. If you have young children, give each child 10-30 minutes of dedicated, uninterrupted time each day. Children like routines. Read to them, hold them, sing to them, etc. Let them talk about themselves so they feel loved, adored, and special. If children know they can count on guaranteed time with you each day, their attitude changes with the proof of your follow through. Schedule a date night each week with your spouse. Even if it is an hour to talk about the family, each other, a shared interest, etc.
Schedule time for the important things in your life and you’ll feel less guilt and worry as you tend to your work.

9. Schedule Time for Planning your Business’ Growth
Take 1-2 hours a week to look at where you were, where you are today and where you want to go. Use your business tools or schedule help with a coach or someone at corporate to work on your business plan. Regularly review your profit and loss statement. Brain storm and think through issues. Write down goals, plans, next steps to reach your targeted bench mark. Planning is key to success.

10. Be Flexible
Every day in business will be different. If you manage it correctly, you will enjoy it and the rewards it brings for a lifetime.

The gist of this came from that great book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

Here’s a little story that shows you about your thoughts and determination. One of the most common causes of failure is the habit of quitting when you are overtaken by temporary defeat. Every person is guilty of this mistake at one time or another. An uncle of R U Darby was caught by the Gold Fever in the gold rush – days, and went west to Dig and Grow Rich. He had never heard that more gold had been mined from the brains of men than has ever been taken from the earth. He staked a claim and went to work with pick and shovel. The going was hard, but his lust for gold was definite.

After weeks of labour, he was rewarded by the discovery of the shining ore. He needed machinery to bring the ore to the surface. Quietly, he covered up the mine, retraced his footsteps to his home in Williamsburg, Maryland, and told his relatives and a few neighbours of the strike. They got together money for the needed machinery, and had it shipped. The uncle and Darby went back to work the mine.

The first car of ore was mined, and shipped to smelter. The returns showed they had one of the richest mines in Colorado! A few more cars of that ore would clear the debts. Then would come the big killing in profits. Down went the drills. Up went the hopes of Darby and uncle. Then something happened. The vein of gold ore disappeared. They had come to the end of the rainbow, and the pot of gold was no longer there. They drilled on, desperately trying to pick up the vein again – all to no avail.

Finally they decided to QUIT.

They sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home. Some junk men are dumb, but not this one. He called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating. The engineer advised that the project had failed, because the owners were not familiar with fault lines. His calculations showed that the vein would be found just Three Feet from where the Darby’s had stopped drilling. That is exactly where it was found. The Junk man took millions of dollars in ore from the mine, because he knew enough to seek counsel before giving up.

Most of the money, which went into the machinery, was procured through the efforts of R U Darby who was then a very young man. The money came from his relatives and neighbors, because of their faith in him. He paid back every dollar of it, although he was years in doing so.

Long afterwards, Mr Darby recouped this loss many times over, when he made the discovery that desire can be transmuted into gold. The discovery came after he went into the business of selling life insurance.

Remembering that he lost a huge fortune, because he stopped three feet from gold, Darby profited by the experience in his chosen work, by the simple method of saying to himself,” I stopped three feet from gold, but I will never stop because men say no when I ask them to buy insurance.”

Darby is one of a small group of fewer than fifty men who sell more than a million dollars in life insurance annually. He owes his stickability to the lesson he learned from his quitability in the gold mining business.

Before success comes in any person’s life, they are sure to meet with more temporary defeat, and, perhaps some failure. When defeat overtakes a person, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit. That is exactly what the majority will do.

More than five hundred of the most successful men the country has ever known, told the author their greatest success came just one step beyond the point at which defeat had overtaken them. Failure is a trickster with a keen sense of irony and cunning. It takes great delight in tripping one when success is within reach.

Bill’s sitting in traffic, his attitude stinks, so he feels angry at the other drivers for being in the way. He wishes they’d disappear, they’re not even human to him anymore, and he doesn’t remember that they’ve got lives, destinations, concerns, joys, and dreams. He just wants them gone. He knows he did this to himself, by leaving too late to account for traffic. He hates being late, but he’s finding himself late more and more often. But, right before he left, he grouched at his family, couldn’t find his socks, and then decided he had to take a quick peek at email. So he left no room to spare in his drive time. And now he’s looking at a sea of brake lights, waiting through several turns of the traffic light. Fuming. He can feel his pulse on his forehead, a ticking bomb. Finally, he sees the hold-up, an accident. He feels awful because of his selfish impatience, for a moment.


Tracy’s sitting in the same traffic jam, even though she left early. But she’s listening to an audio book, reading when she’s at a standstill, or taking the time to breathe deeply and meditate. She’s counting her blessings, taking time to be grateful for all that she is, has, and hopes for. She wonders about the other drivers around her, and notices some really grouchy guy in the car to the right. Looks like he might explode, is that his pulse beating on his forehead? She says a prayer for him and all the other drivers, too. She knows that when she finally gets where she’s got to go, she’ll be able to cope with any effects of being late from the traffic.

There is a world of difference between these two commutes. And it’s all because of attitude. No big surprise, your attitude affects your success in every area of your life, from your relationships to your finances, from your physical health to your appearance, from how long you’ll live to how effective you’ll be in your business.

An attitude is made of our thoughts, feeling, and ultimately, our actions. It’s formed in that order too. Our thoughts create our feelings which direct our actions.

Notice that thoughts come first. It might seem strange, because it certainly seems like our feelings hijack our thoughts and propel us into actions, not the other way around. But you’ll see, as we look at how your mind works, that your thoughts are the real powerhouse, the boss, the launch pad that sets everything else in motion. Each thought is powerful, for your good or your harm.

Feelings can be overwhelming, seemingly uncontrollable, driving you toward inevitable actions. It’s critical to learn how to control your feelings and actions before anything is set in motion. Either way, for good or for bad results, our thinking and feeling determine how things work out in our lives. Our results are just that, the effects of what’s going on inside us.

Before you can really get going on the direction of change, you’ve got to do an attitude check first. You can read until your eyeballs fall out and your fingers get calloused from turning pages, but without the right attitude in place, you’re wasting your time. With a poor attitude, there’s no information on Earth that can help you change your life. Take a look at your attitude about yourself, your life, the people in your life, your finances, your health, and your place in the universe. How does it look? There are lots of things in life you really don’t have much of a choice about, but your attitude is not one of them. Your attitude is completely up to you. We can tell you right away, that a positive, grateful attitude is the best way to go. Gratitude, for what you’ve already got, for where you live, who you know, all that you are, and all that you’re not, is the place to start. How can you ever expect to receive more in life, to be more in life, without appreciating how far you’ve already come?

Your attitude is a choice. Success is all about making great choices, and this is the first one you need to tackle. It might take practice. It might take reminding yourself. It might even take a “fake it ’til you make it” stance, but you’ve got to do it.

…Set Realistic Goals and Take Consistent Action!

When I started setting goals for my network marketing business, I honestly had no idea what I was doing. My plan was this: Since I had about 3 hours in the evenings to work my business, I could spend that time calling leads. I counted on each conversation lasting about 10 minutes, which meant I would make about 6 calls an hour, or around 20 calls a day.

Working at this for 6 days a week meant I’d be contacting 120 people every week. If even 1% decided to join my business, that’s over 4 new people a month! I was on my way to MLM success.

So I bought my leads list, memorized my script, and swallowed my phone fear. This was it. It wasn’t until after I’d made about 10 dials that reality exploded in my face like a hydrogen bomb on Fantasy Island. My plan was crap.

I learned the hard way that only 20% of my calls would be answered on the first try. And, of those 20%, about 90% showed about as much interest in starting their own business as Paris Hilton in becoming a nuclear physicist. Most didn’t even remember requesting information about a home based business. Instead of 6 calls an hour, I made about 50. Of those, about 1 expressed mild interest in starting a business. Looking back on my original plan, I would have had to be on the phone 20 hours and contact 1,000 people every day!

For your goals to be effective, you must base them in reality. If your goal is to watch a sunrise, but you’re facing west, then how realistic is that goal?

Goals are not wishes. I wish I could sing like Mary J Blige, but unless I’m willing to go through years of vocal training and practice, it’s not going to happen. My goal, on the other hand, is to regularly sponsor 5 or more people every month. I’m taking steps now to achieve that goal.

To achieve your goals, you must get clear about what you really want. As simple as this sounds, you might be surprised how vague your goals really are until you write them down. Maybe your goal is to be wealthy. What does that mean to you? How will you know when you’re wealthy?

Unfortunately, many people who get involved in network marketing view it as a quick fix, and become discouraged when their expectations aren’t immediately met. They realize too late that their goal of making $50,000 in a couple months isn’t realistic. The hype that surrounds network marketing both creates and promotes the expectations of money for nothing (or very little).

For goals to be effective, larger goals need to be broken down into manageable chunks. If your goal is to make $100,000 a year in 3 years, how much will you need to make in 1 year? 6 months? 90 days? What steps will you need to begin taking tomorrow?

Focusing on smaller goals keeps you from being overwhelmed. For instance, following up on 3 prospects and writing 2 articles today feels much more doable and realistic than focusing on your 3-year plan.

Nothing happens until you turn your intentions into consistent action. You can plan, study, and talk, but until you take action nothing really changes. If you keep doing what you’re doing, you can expect to get what you’ve always gotten. It’s that consistent action that produces real, lasting results. Think about it. If a raindrop lands on a huge boulder one time, nothing much happens. If several drops of water, however, pummel this same boulder over time, you get the Grand Canyon.

The three steps to manifesting all the things you desire are simple steps most of us will not be able to accomplish consciously.

Why is it some people who seem to be less deserving than you, have it all? Abundance, friends, and relationships keep coming their way while you keep struggling to make ends meet. You know you deserve their abundance, but it seems unattainable. You’re smart, educated, deserving, and you work hard-what is it they know that you do not?

As simple and unrealistic as it may seem-the one and only reason they have it is because they know they can. And they know they can have more anytime they wish. It is this thought separating them from you.

Whether they were born into it, or worked for it-they all have the same knowingness-they can have it and more. This knowingness is why only five percent of the population controls 95% of the world’s riches. Although the only difference in having and not having is within the knowledge you can have it-there are ten good reasons you will be able to come up with that will support your belief “you can not have it.”

1. Don’t know what you really want.

2. Too difficult to focus on your desire

3. Easily distracted by others things.

4. Want to control the process.

5. You believe you do not have the power to change your circumstances.

6. You do not deserve.

7. It is not God’s will.

8. It’s too simple.

9. It is selfish.

10. You just cannot have anything you want.

From the time you were old enough to understand what your parents and others were telling you, you were taught these ten destructive beliefs. It is within the reality of these beliefs that you are guided in what you create and the circumstances of your life-I can prove it right now!

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine you have the perfect lover or companion sitting beside you holding out five one-million dollar bills to you. Now open your eyes and discover there is no one there and no money-why not? Listen to yourself coming up with all the reasons it doesn’t work that way, and you will quickly discover why it is you did not get what you imagined.

Now this may sound simple and childish, but it is your perceptions, your convictions, and knowing which make these things impossible for you. The truth is, you do manifest or create all the circumstances of your life just by imagining it. For most all of us it is done on a subconscious level so we take no responsibility for it.

That knowingness can be raised to a conscious level with a little practice and willingness. The first step to making it happen is in accepting you can do it-and it’s all you really have to do. Nothing else matters-nothing else converts energy or thought to matter.

In all you can imagine or dream of, simply know you already have it, even if you have to lie to yourself for a period of time. Picture it, focus on what it is you wish to experience and you will bring it into your experience-you will have it as your own.

You will always get what it is you truly desire-desire is the key word. You can never have what you want, but you always get what you desire. Be careful as your thoughts will most often fool you. Most people for instance will desire something (a thing) because it is their belief it will bring them happiness. If happiness is what you truly desire then you do no need to focus on a thing-focus on the happiness and it will be yours and it will be expressed in a happy way.

If it is your desire to experience having or doing a thing-that desire will also be made manifest, but you may not experience the happiness you said you desired. Your thoughts will most often betray you and it is your words which command the spirit to create what you desire. Be ever so careful in your choice of words.

It may take a second, a minute, a day, or years to change your thought patterns, but once you do-you will know you can have what you desire on demand-in the blink of an eye-on demand.

An MLM prospect for many network marketers is akin to finding a gold nugget in the sand.

They are hard to come by and when one comes “knocking at your door” you’d better be prepared to show them what they want to see.

Problem is, many distributors will roll their eyes over and suddenly launch themselves into a script about their company, the products and the huge amount of money their MLM prospect will make and consequently, the result will usually be a negative one for them.

After they’ve performed this ritual several times and no one is joining their business they’ll either leave the business themselves or blame it on the company and it’s products.

It’s been proven over and over again the hard sell has no place in the MLM business. So why do most keep doing it. One reason is they are so happy to have someone look at their opportunity that exuberance takes over and they just don’t want to lose the prospect.

But lose them they do; over and over again!

The Secret To MLM Prospecting

Here’s the secret to at least give yourself half a chance of your network marketing prospect joining your business. Forget the hard sell. Yes, that’s it!

Get rid of the script you’ve been using and put yourself in your prospect’s shoes. How would you like to sold an opportunity?

You need to become an MLM mentor from the beginning. We hear the word over delivering a lot in the internet marketing arena and the same applies to MLM.

Be the person your prospect wants you to be. Be a coach and offer advice from the start.

Follow these four principles and watch your results improve. They will at least give you an opportunity to develop that all-important relationship with your would-be business partner.

That’s what it’s all about; developing a relationship and earning the respect of the prospect rather than “bull-dozing them into an opportunity they don’t really want to join.

1. Be what the prospect is looking for. You will be a direct reflection of the company you represent.

2. Avoid the temptation to read from a script. Yes, throw it away. Why? Because people are not stupid and they know the difference between a genuine, from the heart spiel as opposed to a written presentation read word for word.

3. Be a mentor from the beginning. Yes, from the moment the introductions are over. The term over-deliver should be ingrained in your mind. Start training your prospect with helpful tips and information. Point them in the right direction. Simply be as helpful as you can.

4. Become an irresistible magnet to your MLM prospect. You earn respect, not demand it and once your prospect likes dealing with you your chances of signing them into your business will increase significantly.

*BE POSITIVE – Having a positive attitude is a must when recruiting for a new team members. People are drawn to positive people.

*BE EXCITED – Showing your excitement for what you do will rub-off and entice the curiosity of potential team members.

*BE GENEROUS – Never recruit with the idea of “What’s in it for me.” Always be willing to help people and share the great opportunity of having your own *home* business. After all, someone shared it and offered it to you. If working with people is your focus… the $$$ will come!

*BE KNOWLEDGEABLE – When you are well informed about your business and company, others will want to join your organization. If you give others some helpful information that is useful to them… they will want to join your team.

*BE ENERGETIC – When you are energetic and happy you will create a presence around you. People will want to spend time with you.

*BE LIKEABLE – People choose to do business with someone they like and trust!

*BE A GOOD TEACHER – Share your *Company* Business Opportunity. Tell them your own personal experience and how *Company* has touched your life.

*BE FUN – *Company* is a “Party Plan” company…Focus on the “PARTY EXPERIENCE!” Be business oriented…see results…make it fun! Use and share fun ideas! “If you are at the end of your rope & burned out at your job…you need to learn about the *Company* Business Opportunity!”

*BE CONNECTED – Stay connected with your customers and possible recruits. Use the monthly newsletter and other forms of communication to stay connected. Build a long lasting business relationship with your customers.

*BE THE BEST YOU CAN BE AT CUSTOMER SERVICE – By giving outstanding customer service to your customers you will be building a loyal customer base for the future. Loyal customers can turn into new recruits.

A business card is an entrepreneur’s best friend, her most valuable marketing tool and an essential element to becoming UNFORGETTABLE. Unfortunately, too many people have business cards that simply blend into the multitude of cookie cutter crap. And that’s a shame, because a business card is more powerful than you think.

Of course, it’s impossible to know this unless you actually have a card that’s really, really good.

Business cards are the #1 best marketing tool there is! And with websites like http://www.vistaprint.com they are also the most affordable!

Recently I took 66 business cards I’ve collected over the years and spread them out on a table. I closed my eyes for 30 seconds, opened them and took note of which cards stood out the most. And here’s what I noticed:

  • Red: every card that had red on it stood out.
  • Picture: only a few cards had pictures of the cardholder. This not only made them stand out, but helped me connect faces with names and companies.
  • Vertical: several cards were formatted vertically, which caught my eye.
  • Black Background: most cards have a white background, so the black ones REALLY stood out.
  • Image: cards with some sort of colorful image that took up at least one fourth of the total surface area captured my interest.

This was a valuable exercise in understanding UNFORGETTABLE business cards, and I recommend it to everyone. Try it out! Gather dozens of accumulated cards from your desk and discover which ones stand out. Oh, and don’t forget to put your OWN card in the pile. You’ll be amazed at what you see.

Or don’t see.

Here are some ideas to maximize the results of these little gold mines;

You Have Been Kissed
Wrap 2 Hershey Kisses in tulle and tie to business card. Put on the card “You have been kissed by a *party plan* Diva – Call me in 2 days for your FREE GIFT” Works best for the Adult Industry. Can also be used with Hershey Hugs.

Fill Your Home With Snickers
Wrap 2 bite-size Snickers in tulle and tie to a business card. Put on the card “Fill your home with giggles and snickers – host a *Company* party today.”

Wrap 2 Jolly Rancher Candies in tulle and attach to business card – “Get your Jollys, have a *Company* party!”

Stock Up On
Simple and effective – “Stock up on *scrapping, skin care, candles, goodies* Today! Call me to book YOUR *Company* party and earn FREE PRODUCT!

Would you like more… time, money, freedom, fun? Become a *Company* consultant and receive all that and more! Change lives one *face, relationship, kitchen, etc* at a time!

The Card Creedo: finally, when you’re ready, reach into your pocket and grab one of your business cards. Look at it closely. Then say this affirmation out loud:

“This is my business card. There are many others out there, but none of them are like mine – because there’s nobody else like me. My business card is not a formality. It’s not a piece of paper containing my name and contact information. And it’s not another annoying thing to keep in my pocket. My business card is the most important networking tool that I own. It’s a reflection of my personal brand and a bite-sized morsel of the mission of my business. I LOVE my business card. And I can’t wait until somebody asks me for one. Because when they do, I will find a way to give that person value.”

I do not care what people debate or think or believe in, this is something you need to pay attention to. How much you believe or do not believe in the law of attraction it is there true as fact. It is absolutely critical that you read this with an open mind and understand what I am telling you.

I am not talking about the movie, The Secret with you. I am talking about The Law of Attraction. Even though that movie has been out while, The Law of Attraction has been around for thousands of years.

You are responsible for everything in your life right now. You attracted it into your life. I am not saying you mystically attracted it. I am saying you attracted it because you did certain things in the past that created your present.

I am saying that things you are doing today will make a difference in the future. If you change or alter one thing, even subtly, it can have a significant difference in your life down the road.

For example, if you decided today to run 1 mile each day, and you had not done that in the past, your entire life will be different months from now.

You will be healthier, happier and posses more energy. Who knows what will happen if you decide today to make that kind of change. Months from now, you may run a marathon.

What you think about the most becomes your reality. You know why? Because it moves you forward towards that in which you think about the most.

Your thoughts create actions. Actions create results. Therefore, if you continue to think you are not good enough to make it in the network marketing industry, you are right. If you change your thought process and realize anyone can make it in this business, including you, then you will have different results.

However, you have to take full responsibility for what your life is like right now. You have to realize that if you want different results you will have to take different actions.

And guess what? You have to think different thoughts!

If you continue to think the right thoughts, you will have things fall into your lap. You will have the right people; the right situations, the right opportunities, the right answers, the right clients, the right JV partners, etc. come to you because you are thinking the right thoughts and doing the right actions

Everything that you see around you is a direct reflection of what is going on inside you. It is a direct link to your thoughts. If you always think doubt, lack and financial problems, then that is what you will get.

It is cause and effect really. You have to cause certain things to happen in your business. It does not happen on its own. And, you will never recognize these things if you do not change the way you think.

If you want different results, think different thoughts. And, if you are going to have the choice on which thoughts you think, you should think positive thoughts.

Look at it this way, If you spend 60% of your time thinking negative thoughts, then 60% of the time you are worrying, fretting, stressing and probably not doing much to move you towards your goals. You only have 40% of your time available for positive thoughts.

I know I find myself taking much more action when I am having positive thoughts. I am much more confident and willing to make bold moves. Therefore, spending more of your time in the positive zone will create more action and results.

Now you have attracted prospects to your business, so what do you do with them? Do you really have to spend time coaching them? The answer may seem obvious, yet many networkers ignore this important part of building a business and get this wrong.

When I first got involved in network marketing, I had no experience at all and I was assured that I would receive ongoing training and coaching. Unfortunately, a few months down the road, I discovered that everything that I was taught was completely wrong – not a happy discovery! I quit! The fact of the matter is that if you don’t give your prospects support and proper training, they will get stuck and may quit in no time. However, this doesn’t mean holding them by their hands as they also need to play their part.

This brings me to next point. Don’t make the mistake that many MLM’ers make – recruiting every person they bump into, whether they are interested in starting a business or not. When you recruit people who are not right for your business, you are going to spend a lot of time chasing them, trying to motivate them as they will not be producing. What good is this gonna do to your business?

If you really want your business to really succeed, you need to attract LEADERS. Quality is the key here, rather than quantity. You need people who are SERIOUS, SELF-MOTIVATED, HARDWORKING, AMBITIOUS and COACHABLE. You don’t need people who will be complaining all the time, expecting you to hold them by their hand.

Network marketing coaching goes a long way and it is very important in building your business. It is very essential that you coach your prospects on an ongoing basis (without chasing them), in addition to the company’s training they receive. When your new prospects join you in your business opportunity, you need to start coaching them on how to get started and how they can best achieve their goals.

Don’t leave it until late. It’s important that you start this process as soon as they sign up, as they would still be excited and enthusiastic. Strike while the iron is still hot! If you don’t invest your time in coaching and helping your prospects, they will get discouraged and soon leave you. Coaching your prospects effectively will help them achieve their goals and succeed… and help you succeed too.

Here are 3 coaching tips to help you succeed:

1. When new prospects join your business, get in touch with them as soon as possible, preferably by telephone. This will help you to get to know them better and will give you the opportunity to establish their goals. You will then structure a very specific step-by-step action plan to achieve their goals. Let them know about the training that the company offers, e.g. live training, forums and so on.

2. Have a communication system in place which will help you reach your prospects together rather than spending a lot of time doing one on one training, e.g. weekly conference calls or webinars.

3. Be approachable, so your prospects can contact you when they need your help. You must also encourage them to be resourceful, so they don’t run to you every time they need help.

These will help your prospects build their business and yours in the long run.