What is the secret to getting really successful?

It’s clarity.

The biggest level of confusion most people face in setting goals is confusing them with methods of achievement.

As Albert Einstein once remarked, “Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem in my opinion to characterize our age.”

A goal is what you desire. A method is how you go about getting it.

A goal is singular and fixed, while a method can be multiple and it can vary.

If you want to be an actor or actress, that is a goal. The acting classes you take and the auditions you go to are your methods.

While the difference between a goal and a method is clear and obvious when explained in this way, much confusion arises between the two in practice.

When some people are asked why they are not achieving their goals; they say that they don’t have enough money, or knowledge, or support. They believe that their lack of resources stops them. Yet these resources are only methods. They can be substituted with other methods.

If you already had all the methods in place before you started out, it would not be a goal; it would merely be fulfilling a task.

A goal asks you to stretch beyond your current means. It asks you to explore new methods, uncover new resources, develop new strategies.

Doing what you have never done before is working on achieving a goal. Merely doing what you know how to do is just working with your existing methods.

The result of mistaking methods for goals is that people tend to shuffle existing methods around while claiming to be doing something new. They do what they’ve always done and yet are surprised to find that they get what they have always gotten.

When Joseph Campbell advised people to follow their bliss, he meant that they should do what they heart desired, not make do with what they already had before them.

Thus a goal is an end, and a method is a means to that end.

Confusing one with the other results in no growth at all.

Robert Fritz explained it in the following way:

“The way you activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped. All too often people fail to focus their choices upon results and therefore their choices are ineffective. If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.”

Bill’s sitting in traffic, his attitude stinks, so he feels angry at the other drivers for being in the way. He wishes they’d disappear, they’re not even human to him anymore, and he doesn’t remember that they’ve got lives, destinations, concerns, joys, and dreams. He just wants them gone. He knows he did this to himself, by leaving too late to account for traffic. He hates being late, but he’s finding himself late more and more often. But, right before he left, he grouched at his family, couldn’t find his socks, and then decided he had to take a quick peek at email. So he left no room to spare in his drive time. And now he’s looking at a sea of brake lights, waiting through several turns of the traffic light. Fuming. He can feel his pulse on his forehead, a ticking bomb. Finally, he sees the hold-up, an accident. He feels awful because of his selfish impatience, for a moment.


Tracy’s sitting in the same traffic jam, even though she left early. But she’s listening to an audio book, reading when she’s at a standstill, or taking the time to breathe deeply and meditate. She’s counting her blessings, taking time to be grateful for all that she is, has, and hopes for. She wonders about the other drivers around her, and notices some really grouchy guy in the car to the right. Looks like he might explode, is that his pulse beating on his forehead? She says a prayer for him and all the other drivers, too. She knows that when she finally gets where she’s got to go, she’ll be able to cope with any effects of being late from the traffic.

There is a world of difference between these two commutes. And it’s all because of attitude. No big surprise, your attitude affects your success in every area of your life, from your relationships to your finances, from your physical health to your appearance, from how long you’ll live to how effective you’ll be in your business.

An attitude is made of our thoughts, feeling, and ultimately, our actions. It’s formed in that order too. Our thoughts create our feelings which direct our actions.

Notice that thoughts come first. It might seem strange, because it certainly seems like our feelings hijack our thoughts and propel us into actions, not the other way around. But you’ll see, as we look at how your mind works, that your thoughts are the real powerhouse, the boss, the launch pad that sets everything else in motion. Each thought is powerful, for your good or your harm.

Feelings can be overwhelming, seemingly uncontrollable, driving you toward inevitable actions. It’s critical to learn how to control your feelings and actions before anything is set in motion. Either way, for good or for bad results, our thinking and feeling determine how things work out in our lives. Our results are just that, the effects of what’s going on inside us.

Before you can really get going on the direction of change, you’ve got to do an attitude check first. You can read until your eyeballs fall out and your fingers get calloused from turning pages, but without the right attitude in place, you’re wasting your time. With a poor attitude, there’s no information on Earth that can help you change your life. Take a look at your attitude about yourself, your life, the people in your life, your finances, your health, and your place in the universe. How does it look? There are lots of things in life you really don’t have much of a choice about, but your attitude is not one of them. Your attitude is completely up to you. We can tell you right away, that a positive, grateful attitude is the best way to go. Gratitude, for what you’ve already got, for where you live, who you know, all that you are, and all that you’re not, is the place to start. How can you ever expect to receive more in life, to be more in life, without appreciating how far you’ve already come?

Your attitude is a choice. Success is all about making great choices, and this is the first one you need to tackle. It might take practice. It might take reminding yourself. It might even take a “fake it ’til you make it” stance, but you’ve got to do it.

I do not care what people debate or think or believe in, this is something you need to pay attention to. How much you believe or do not believe in the law of attraction it is there true as fact. It is absolutely critical that you read this with an open mind and understand what I am telling you.

I am not talking about the movie, The Secret with you. I am talking about The Law of Attraction. Even though that movie has been out while, The Law of Attraction has been around for thousands of years.

You are responsible for everything in your life right now. You attracted it into your life. I am not saying you mystically attracted it. I am saying you attracted it because you did certain things in the past that created your present.

I am saying that things you are doing today will make a difference in the future. If you change or alter one thing, even subtly, it can have a significant difference in your life down the road.

For example, if you decided today to run 1 mile each day, and you had not done that in the past, your entire life will be different months from now.

You will be healthier, happier and posses more energy. Who knows what will happen if you decide today to make that kind of change. Months from now, you may run a marathon.

What you think about the most becomes your reality. You know why? Because it moves you forward towards that in which you think about the most.

Your thoughts create actions. Actions create results. Therefore, if you continue to think you are not good enough to make it in the network marketing industry, you are right. If you change your thought process and realize anyone can make it in this business, including you, then you will have different results.

However, you have to take full responsibility for what your life is like right now. You have to realize that if you want different results you will have to take different actions.

And guess what? You have to think different thoughts!

If you continue to think the right thoughts, you will have things fall into your lap. You will have the right people; the right situations, the right opportunities, the right answers, the right clients, the right JV partners, etc. come to you because you are thinking the right thoughts and doing the right actions

Everything that you see around you is a direct reflection of what is going on inside you. It is a direct link to your thoughts. If you always think doubt, lack and financial problems, then that is what you will get.

It is cause and effect really. You have to cause certain things to happen in your business. It does not happen on its own. And, you will never recognize these things if you do not change the way you think.

If you want different results, think different thoughts. And, if you are going to have the choice on which thoughts you think, you should think positive thoughts.

Look at it this way, If you spend 60% of your time thinking negative thoughts, then 60% of the time you are worrying, fretting, stressing and probably not doing much to move you towards your goals. You only have 40% of your time available for positive thoughts.

I know I find myself taking much more action when I am having positive thoughts. I am much more confident and willing to make bold moves. Therefore, spending more of your time in the positive zone will create more action and results.

Have you ever dreamt of being a success? At some point in your life I imagine that you have probably dreamt of being rich, or successful, or perhaps you just want to be happy with your life and your relationships.

Often, we have huge dreams and lofty aspirations, but unfortunately, our dreams remain just that dreams. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self actualization, we get caught up in our day-to-day living and only just get by just barely existing.

But guess what? Your life could be so much better, you just need to aim higher.

The most common problem to setting goals is negativity. Most of us get hung up thinking “It’s too difficult” or “I can’t do this” or “It’s just impossible”. If everyone thought like this, there would be no innovation and no breakthroughs or inventions.

If you limit yourself with self-doubt, you will never be able to break past what you deem impossible and if you aim too high without working towards your goal, you will find yourself clinging on to an impossible dream.

Try this simple exercise. Take a bit of paper and write down some of your goals in life. Under one header, list down things ‘you know that you can do’. Under another header, write the things ‘you may be able to do.’ And under one more, list the things that are ‘impossible for you to do.’

Now take a look at what you have written down. Each day try to work towards the accomplishment the goals that are under things ‘you know that you can do’. Tick them off once you have accomplished them. As you make progress in ticking off each of your goals under that heading, try working towards the goals that ‘you might be able to do.’

Once you started to accomplish these goals you can start to move the goals that are under things that are ‘impossible for you to do’ into the list of things ‘you might be able to do’. Break your goals down into smaller more manageable pieces and write down the things that you need to do to achieve each piece.

As you step through this process, you will start to find that the goals you thought were impossible actually become easier to accomplish. Then you’ll find that the impossible goals start to seem possible after all.

The technique here is not to limit your imagination. It is to aim high, and start working towards that goal little by little. However, it also is unwise to set a goal that is truly unrealistic.

Thomas Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing could be truer. If you want to accomplish your dreams, you have to expect a lot of hard work along the way.

So continue to dream! Don’t get caught up with your perceived limitations. Think big and work hard to attain those dreams. Be persistent and make small steps each day towards your goals. You will soon find out that the impossible has just become a little bit more possible.

You’re probably well aware that one of the key characteristics of the truly successful achievers in the world today is a powerful application of focus. But had you ever stopped to notice that by being focused, these success role models are also clutter free?

If you’re looking for ways to achieve greater success, how about applying some reverse engineering and clearing the clutter from your life in order to create the space for a stronger sense of focus and purpose? It will take more than a quick one-off declutter to achieve sustainable success results, of course, but there’s every chance that, by applying yourself to changing your lifelong clutter-gathering habits, success itself will be more sustainable. It may not be the whole story, but being clutter free is certainly an important ingredient in the recipe for success.

No matter how much you desire the success you deserve, and no matter how hard you work to get it, you’re unlikely to achieve true success if you don’t clear out the clutter in your life for good. The problem is that decluttering on its own isn’t the answer. Clutter clearing is a one-off activity and, like it or not, your clutter will always build up again over time unless you change the way you think about clutter for good. It’s a question of learning how to recognize and change your lifelong clutter building habits.

When people talk about clutter, what they’re usually referring to is environmental clutter. The actual physical presence of unwanted, unnecessary, outdated, space-hogging, dust-gathering items in your surroundings. This is the most visible and obvious form of clutter. Interestingly, though, it’s often simply a physical manifestation of other types of clutter which are draining you of energy and blocking your path to success…

There’s the mental clutter – that train of worrisome thoughts going round in your head, getting in the way of what’s important. Clouding your ability to think clearly, to make decisions and, yes, to focus. If you ever feel as though there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done; or that your brain’s so full of information it’s going to explode; or perhaps you keep putting things off and then worrying about not having dealt with them yet. That’s your mental clutter at work.

And then there’s emotional clutter – all those social obligations you’d rather get out of, outdated relationship routines and so-called friendships with people who drain your energy. This clutter comes in different guises, many of which centre around the need to be liked, or to be needed, or included. So emotional clutter can throw up huge obstacles on your path to success if your chosen route requires you to disagree with the status quo or be prepared to stand out from the crowd.

So how about clearing as much of your clutter as you can, before approaching your success ambitions more directly? There’s every chance you’ll find it a surprisingly liberating experience as you lay the foundations for your future success.

You’re probably well aware that one of the key characteristics of the truly successful achievers in the world today is a powerful application of focus. But had you ever stopped to notice that by being focused, these success role models are also clutter free?

If you’re looking for ways to achieve greater success, how about applying some reverse engineering and clearing the clutter from your life in order to create the space for a stronger sense of focus and purpose? It will take more than a quick one-off declutter to achieve sustainable success results, of course, but there’s every chance that, by applying yourself to changing your lifelong clutter-gathering habits, success itself will be more sustainable. It may not be the whole story, but being clutter free is certainly an important ingredient in the recipe for success.

No matter how much you desire the success you deserve, and no matter how hard you work to get it, you’re unlikely to achieve true success if you don’t clear out the clutter in your life for good. The problem is that decluttering on its own isn’t the answer. Clutter clearing is a one-off activity and, like it or not, your clutter will always build up again over time unless you change the way you think about clutter for good. It’s a question of learning how to recognize and change your lifelong clutter building habits.

When people talk about clutter, what they’re usually referring to is environmental clutter. The actual physical presence of unwanted, unnecessary, outdated, space-hogging, dust-gathering items in your surroundings. This is the most visible and obvious form of clutter. Interestingly, though, it’s often simply a physical manifestation of other types of clutter which are draining you of energy and blocking your path to success…

There’s the mental clutter – that train of worrisome thoughts going round in your head, getting in the way of what’s important. Clouding your ability to think clearly, to make decisions and, yes, to focus. If you ever feel as though there isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done; or that your brain’s so full of information it’s going to explode; or perhaps you keep putting things off and then worrying about not having dealt with them yet. That’s your mental clutter at work.

And then there’s emotional clutter – all those social obligations you’d rather get out of, outdated relationship routines and so-called friendships with people who drain your energy. This clutter comes in different guises, many of which centre around the need to be liked, or to be needed, or included. So emotional clutter can throw up huge obstacles on your path to success if your chosen route requires you to disagree with the status quo or be prepared to stand out from the crowd.

So how about clearing as much of your clutter as you can, before approaching your success ambitions more directly? There’s every chance you’ll find it a surprisingly liberating experience as you lay the foundations for your future success.

The Power of Action is undoubtedly an extremely important part of realizing and utilizing the unlimited potential that has been made available to you. In the center of every being, whatever its form, the power of action is present. Joy is an emotion by which the body’s power of action is increased or assisted. Make joy an integral part of your everyday life.

Take a few minutes each day to do something that you enjoy doing. See the tremendous difference it makes to your ability to take action on the things you must do.

The vision of a “great life” varies with each person. How essentially simple life is, and how we complicate it. Have you ever wondered how to make major changes in your life? Action assumes importance as you contemplate making changes. Most of what you have encountered in your life, so far, is the result of your beliefs.

There are two great blessings in man’s life, thoughts and action. To change your life you must start by changing your habits of thought. “Impossible” and “can’t” must be removed from your thought processes.

Science has proven that when you think you can do something that your mind will find a way to do it. Once the mind has found a way to accomplish what you desire, then action is required. Where there is action, there is life and creation.

One of the turning points in your life will be when you discover the power of action, your power of action. Life has an amazing way of working out when you choose not to give up, but to harness your power of action.

Do you want to have a wildly successful business? For maximum effectiveness in life, love or business, it helps to have the right habits. Wisdom with the power of action is the true secret to wealth in life as an entrepreneur.

One of the laws of success is that the universe rewards those who take action. Action is the foundation of success. You are programming yourself for greatness and success when you take action on your goals and ideas. Acting on your goals will bring success into YOUR life. There can be no success without it.

Awaken your potential knowing that the power of action is within you. The power of action is just like dropping a stone into a pond. The ripples continue outward affecting everything around you. Education is great. Knowledge is great. Experience is great. Planning is great. Ideas are great. But the power of action is gigantic. Without it the rest is useless.

You must take action to get what you want.

Network marketing success is not something you can find “out there” through an opportunity, sponsor, or upline. Rather, it’s an inside job.

Success in network marketing need not come to only a select few. It is all about you in the long run, and it doesn’t happen by accident. Success in any network marketing business is based on your productivity and taking action mentally, physically, and sometimes even more importantly, emotionally.

In most online network marketing businesses today, you will hear more about their failures than successes, but truly, the only real determining factor in successful network marketing is who you look at in the mirror every morning.

No marketing plan will ever determine your network marketing success. Nor will the product line or company. No matter how often you see it screamed from the scam forums, even your upline is not responsible for creating your network marketing success. Your uplines’ responsibility to you is simply to help create and facilitate the *opportunity* for your success, i.e. to increase your odds of success with the support of guidance and training. It’s up to you to decide how to use and implement that guidance.

The journey to all personal network marketing success is paved with seeking education, learning, doing and growing. It is a must to learn some new skills and change some of your thinking, actions and reactions pertaining to online business.

Most people don’t understand this fact, but your success will be in direct proportion to your personal growth and development! Successful network marketing has many aspects and includes persistence, consistent promotion, and patience, but a positive attitude is equally critical to achieving successful results. Marketers with doubtful minds who lack self-confidence and determination to follow through on those key elements, even when given the best proven tools and systems for success … will … still … fail.

For network marketing success attainment, attitude is as important as ability. Attitude can seem like such a little thing, but it makes a huge difference in your personal and professional success. It is more important than skills, talent, experience, education or intelligence.

To different people, the same world is a hell… or a heaven. A success-oriented attitude creates the positive difference. Nothing can stop the person with a positive mental attitude from achieving his goal. And on the other hand, nothing on earth can help the person with a negative mental attitude.

A successful attitude is not something you are born with. Rather, it’s something you have a choice about. Accepting the fact that there will always be some situations that are difficult and that there will always be problems to solve is essential. Having a successful attitude cannot alter what exists, but it can influence your future by helping you choose how to deal positively with the things you encounter every day. Your perspective on challenging situations, not the problem itself, will determine your success or failure.

Regardless of the vehicle, upline, product, service or opportunity you choose, the choice to take massive, positive, and focused action to attain success, or to use massive lame excuses to produce mediocrity is totally up to you. At the end of every day, you and only you will ever determine your success … or failure.

Take responsibility for it, get out there, and shine!

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I want to make a fortune and I want to make it now.

That’s the attitude of the majority of people who start in MLM or network marketing. People that have been broke all of their lives or at the very least, just getting by, expect to be rich in no time when they start an MLM business.

Although MLM has literally changed the lives of so many people around the world, the real reason why people become successful is so simple. Two words. Personal growth.

Most of the time you will not become successful in MLM if you don’t discover and fully embrace personal growth. Don’t get me wrong you may experience some success, you may even have tremendous success, but it will only be a fraction of what you could gain if you were serious about becoming more than you are today.

Ego. That little word has caused so much damage in so many lives, especially in MLM.

If you are new to MLM I hope that you will hear these words, your check will grow when you grow. I would not be experiencing  MLM success if I hadn’t decided to listen and learn from other more successful people. So, what’s the best course of action if you really want to experience MLM success?

Read the best success books you can get your hands on. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is still one of the best books to get you to start thinking differently. You are no longer an employee, you are now an entrepreneur, and entrepreneurs think differently than employees.

Stop listening to the radio and fill your mind with the vast storehouse of knowledge from Joyce Meyer, Jim Rohn, Les Brown and others. Make a decision to learn more so you can earn more. Find at least one or two people who will mentor you and hold you accountable so that if you start to believe that you are infallible they will straighten you out.

Although I am becoming successful, I still make mistakes and you will too. Nobody expects you to be perfect but if you are ever going to become really successful in MLM you will have to engage in a deliberate process to become more than what you are today.