October 2009

One of the biggest complaints people have about choosing a home business is that they don’t have the money to spend on one. Their budget is stretched tight – that’s why they want to start a business anyhow. They need the money but want to stay at home.

Many home businesses don’t cost all that much to get started, however. Pick the right business and you won’t have to spend much at all to have a chance to bring in some income.

You can rarely start a home business without any investment at all. Business cards, for example. They don’t cost much, but they can be quite helpful in appearing professional to the people you meet. Hosting a website can be done for free, but if you want a domain name and a good host, you’re going to have to spend at least a little. But it can be had for under $100/year.

Perhaps you have a skill you could offer as a service. Running errands for people, website design, tutoring, being a virtual assistant… you may have just about everything you need to run one of these businesses already. All you need are clients.

Affiliate marketing is also quite popular, if quite challenging. Many people start this on free hosts such as Blogger.com, then move on to paid hosting as they earn enough money. Affiliate programs are generally free to join, and you figure out how to get people to buy through your links.

This is not as simple as throwing up some links and hoping. That’s one of the most common mistakes. You have to give people a reason to click through and make a purchase. Reviews are a popular way to do this. Keep it honest, mention the negatives as well as the positives, and gain people’s trust by providing quality information.

Whatever kind of home business you start, you need to love what you’re doing and know that there are other people who love the results of what you do. If no one wants to buy from you, there’s no point to being in business.

One of the best things you can do for your home business is to reinvest in it. If you don’t need the earnings urgently for something else, find a way to use it to make your home business better. Over time this can help you to earn still more money.

It’s not easy starting a home business on a tight budget. But there are many options that cost very little money to get started, yet it is entirely possible to earn money from them. There are no guarantees of success in business; only your own efforts will determine your success in the long run.

If your market is cold, you need to warm it up. It is easy to see that people do not react to advertising campaigns like they used to. They tend to turn their nose up at things because they are tired of having things pushed on them in a mediocre or cliché way. Believe it or not, people tend to get very suspicious. Then there is also the fact that there are certain circumstances that exist in the world that have made quite the impact on people. In other words, the world is one big circus and you, as a network marketer, have to find a way to tame three rings at once.

Taming the circus

The main thing you have to do is build rapport. When you build rapport with someone, they are comfortable with you. When they are comfortable with you, you can reel them in. But you have to know the right strategies to reel them in and get them to stay. You can’t just shake hands with them, say “hey how are you doing,” and hope that they think you’re a network marketing genius. It just doesn’t work that way.

So how does it work?

Well, the first thing you need to do is get together a circle of people that you can influence. This usually starts with people you know. This is a great strategy toward getting the ball rolling. You have to keep in mind that those who are very successful in Network marketing are those individuals with a large influence. However, it is always good to start small and build yourself up. You can start by getting referrals from your family and your friends. Make sure you do such things as participate in community events. This means that you should go to City Council and Chamber of Commerce meetings. You should then hold local meetings of individuals in your network to keep them involved.

Your next step is then the Internet so that you can bring in individuals from the Internet. You do this through Internet marketing so that they will sign up for your mailing list by filling out a form on your website. You can do such things as start an Internet community. From there, you will continue to build your Internet presence by blogging about your business, shooting tips out through email newsletters, creating social networking pages on the many social networking sites that are out there, and creating or joining email groups. These are ways that you build an online relationship with people.

Some tips

There are many strategies that you can use to build your business. The above are great ways to do that. They may seem easy, but they do take some work. Here are some tips that you need to use to get things rolling smoothly for you:

• When you can, make sure you use offline marketing methods. These methods include postcards, newspaper ads, radio ads, and even television commercials.

• Always use an email autoresponder with your emails. When an individual signs up for your mailing list, your autoresponder will shoot an email their way that says, “Thank you for signing up” and gives them the option to opt out if they need to. They are at least made aware of what they’ve signed up for.

• Never rush the relationship building process. This is dangerous because rushing can make a person feel very uncomfortable and that is something you don’t want to do.

• Always follow up with your leads because you’re not their top priority. You have to remind them that you are there and that you are ready to make their life better.

• Always offer something valuable, such as a free report so that they can have something free in their hands. People love special offers.

So take every bit of this and run with it. You can’t expect your network marketing to work on its own. You have to give it a bit of a push in the right direction so that it will make the money for you that you need.

The Problem of Time Management

If you already manage a home business, then you are also probably aware of how it can consume most of your time. Most likely, this happens against your will. After all, there are probably many things that you want to do with your time, such as spending time with your spouse and your children, going out with your friends, listening to music, reading some books, or what not. And yet, the task of managing your home business seems to take up all of your time. What can you possibly do?

What was described in the first paragraph is a classic example of a time management dilemma. Millions of people, not just home business owners, feel that they are not in complete control of their time. This tends to make people miserable, since most people want to feel in control of their lives. After all, what is your life but a measurement of your time? As long as you are unable to spend your time in a manner that you wish, you will never be truly happy, no matter how much money you earn or how many accolades you receive.

Managing Your Time Properly

Set your priorities. The cardinal rule of time management is this: Set your priorities. In life, there is probably nothing more important than setting your priorities, since they will set the stage for just how much time you will spend on each area of your life. You must clarify in your mind exactly what you want in life, and determine to spend more time on those things that you feel are most important.

In the immortal words of Goethe, Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least. If your home business is the most important to you, then it is only right that you use most of your time on it. But if it isn’t, you should begin to scale back on the time you spend on it. You can either 1) get someone else to do the job for you; or 2) scale back on the amount of work you are already doing. Remember: You own your home business; it doesn’t own you.

When you work, work. Time management gurus tell us that most people don’t really work all the time that they work. This means that they may be putting in 8 hours at work, but they’re not really working for all of those 8 hours. They may spend an hour here chatting with officemates, another hour there for lunch, and another utterly distracted. This causes work to pile up and problems to surface at a later time.

To avoid this, work all the time you work. While you should definitely take breaks whenever you need them, make sure you are not kidding yourself and taking more than time than you need to. By focusing on the task at hand, you will get it done quicker and with less effort, freeing up more time for the other things you want to do.

What is the secret to getting really successful?

It’s clarity.

The biggest level of confusion most people face in setting goals is confusing them with methods of achievement.

As Albert Einstein once remarked, “Perfection of means and confusion of goals seem in my opinion to characterize our age.”

A goal is what you desire. A method is how you go about getting it.

A goal is singular and fixed, while a method can be multiple and it can vary.

If you want to be an actor or actress, that is a goal. The acting classes you take and the auditions you go to are your methods.

While the difference between a goal and a method is clear and obvious when explained in this way, much confusion arises between the two in practice.

When some people are asked why they are not achieving their goals; they say that they don’t have enough money, or knowledge, or support. They believe that their lack of resources stops them. Yet these resources are only methods. They can be substituted with other methods.

If you already had all the methods in place before you started out, it would not be a goal; it would merely be fulfilling a task.

A goal asks you to stretch beyond your current means. It asks you to explore new methods, uncover new resources, develop new strategies.

Doing what you have never done before is working on achieving a goal. Merely doing what you know how to do is just working with your existing methods.

The result of mistaking methods for goals is that people tend to shuffle existing methods around while claiming to be doing something new. They do what they’ve always done and yet are surprised to find that they get what they have always gotten.

When Joseph Campbell advised people to follow their bliss, he meant that they should do what they heart desired, not make do with what they already had before them.

Thus a goal is an end, and a method is a means to that end.

Confusing one with the other results in no growth at all.

Robert Fritz explained it in the following way:

“The way you activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want to create. When you make a choice, you mobilize vast human energies and resources which otherwise go untapped. All too often people fail to focus their choices upon results and therefore their choices are ineffective. If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.”

I heard the story of this person: she was very unhappy, stressed, feeling depressed, anxious, angry, lonely, hopeless, struggling, just surviving, but then something happened, and so the story begins.

She had been told that life was a struggle and she had to work hard to earn money, that everything had to be earned, that nothing was free, nothing was given, that money did not grow on trees, so she was burning herself out.

She had been told she was lucky to have a job and she had better hold on tight to it, but she did not like it, actually she hated it, she was completely unfulfilled.

She was in a relationship where she was not happy. She did not feel loved and she was not treated properly; but she had been told she might not find another person, better that than being alone, but she was so unhappy.

She had been told she could not know what destiny would bring her, that she could not control the future, that she had to live the moment, so she was drinking too much, eating a lot, doing too much, she thought that that was the way to enjoy life. But she was feeling more and more off-centre and her life was more and more out of control, her health was getting poor, she had no energy and she was getting depressed because she could never achieve what she wanted, her dreams. She started to think that maybe she had no right to her dreams, maybe what she wanted was just not achievable.

She had been told life is hard, it is tough, and so she had to be tough, and she could not believe she would ever receive anything for free. She believed that if she did not achieve her goals it simply meant she had not worked hard enough, pro-noia was quite impossible to believe in.

She had been told to be wary of people, so she could not believe in goodness, she could not trust, and so she could not feel the warmth she desired.

She had been told she had to behave in a certain way to be accepted by society. She tried to do it but she felt so empty inside, as if she was betraying herself, trying to be someone she was not, missing out on the thrill of being herself. So she tried to stop conforming, but then she felt so different. Her self-esteem became very low, as people told her there was something wrong with being her, she was different, so she started becoming socially anxious, and she believed there was something wrong with being her, and she started beating herself up.

She had been told the past determines the future. She was born in a poor and dysfunctional family and she had emotional problems caused by this, and limiting beliefs. She so wanted to be free to be well but she had been told the only way to get free is to struggle, so she was struggling, but the more she struggled, the more she was kept back.

She was very beautiful, but she didn’t like herself; she actually hated herself and kept beating herself up.

She had extraordinary gifts, qualities and talents, but she couldn’t see them, she thought she was nobody, worthless.

She felt so powerless, with destiny out of control.
She felt so lonely and unloved.

And she was struggling to live, to survive, and the more she struggled, the more struggles she met, the more she became convinced that life really was a struggle.

But one day she heard a story, they told her there was an old man in town, extremely wealthy, very successful, in extraordinary health for his age (and he was 98) and he was so happy, with such inner freedom, peace and love. He had been happy all his life and he had a wonderful life, he loved every bit of it. Everything was so easy, so effortless; he achieved everything he wanted, even much more he could have ever dreamt of. He was in town with his wife. They had been married for 75 years, true soul mates, and still so in love.

And as she heard this story something inside her made her think: I must meet this man and ask him his secret.

It was the call to fulfil her dreams, her call to freedom, her call to love, her call to happiness.

She had read that the man was going to give a talk that evening in the centre of town. When she arrived there, there were tens of thousands of people, all waiting, all wanting to know how he did it, how he managed to live such a life.

The curtains opened and he was sitting in the centre of the stage with his wife, smiling, so at peace, so happy.

And when a person asked him how he did it, which special qualities he had in order to live such an extraordinary life, he replied: My dear, dear friend, it is not that I am particularly special, that I have special qualities or powers, the truth is that everyone without exception is very, very special, with extraordinary qualities and extraordinary powers. You just do not know it yet- and he added, -and the secret is to be, love and cherish yourself; it is to be your true essence. You are well-being and love and peace and energy and light and infinite and presence and life and infinite wisdom; it is to ask, because whatever you ask, you shall receive- and he added- you know, you can have and be and do anything, really anything, you want; you just need to choose what makes you most happy in your heart. It is very simple; and he added, ‘And my dear friend, there is something else that I must tell you; there is another thing you need to know: you are loved beyond measure for who you are, and you are beautiful.

And while she was listening to the old man, she cried, because she understood the truth, and she felt liberated and totally empowered to achieve the desires of her heart. And so she started her journey

Ever had the feeling where you expected to achieve something so intensely and you actually achieved it? Or are you able to count the times when you expected and hoped that your dreams, aspirations, desires and goals will turn out the way you imagined and they actually did? Expectation is a powerful tool and it can and will go a long way in shaping your life and your future.

In order to constructively and effectively shape the best for your life, you must first and foremost expect the best from yourself. You have to insist, nay, demand that you give a hundred and one percent (or more) in everything that you do to produce the best and successful results. Think of ways on how you can expect to churn out the most practical, useful skills and knowledge from yourself. Then ask yourself how you can expect to apply the most effective efforts and actions to obtain your success. You must make it a point not to falter, default or slacken in your tasks and actions. Treat procrastination like a bad flu – you know you have to find ways to overcome procrastination or it will halt your success, just like how a bad flu will weaken your body if not cured. Always remember that when you can afford to give your best, do not think for a moment that you can give your worst.

In fact, the subject of love is a very relevant example to illustrate how expecting the best from yourself can effectively shape your life. When you expect a boy/girl to notice you and eventually fall for you, will you take the appropriate steps like looking good, approaching him/her, complimenting him/her, getting him/her romantic gifts, etc, or will you just look your worst, sit back, relax, do nothing and expect him/her to magically fall heads over heels in love with you?

You do not live in this world alone. So, to achieve even greater success, you must not just expect the best from yourself, rather, you must also expect the people around you to give their best. You must be able to influence them with your words, your thoughts, and your actions, leading by example that they may emulate you and assist you in producing quality work and achieving positive results for your life and theirs.

Your parents are probably the most suitable example to demonstrate the truth of what I had just mentioned above. There was probably a time when your parents expected you to eat your vegetables, not just a piece of broccoli, but all your vegetables. They might have told you why you should eat your vegetables – because they are good for you – and they led by example by doing what they expected their child to do. This would have probably instilled in you the importance of eating vegetables and you subsequently started eating vegetables. In some ways too, you have actually subconsciously assisted your parents in achieving their goal of getting you to eat your vegetables.

So the next time you embark on improving your life or obtaining a certain goal, tell yourself that you must expect nothing short of the best from yourself and the people around you so as to make that improvement or goal a reality.

Who you really are is a soul. The soul uses the mind as its instrument to navigate through the world of form. And the soul itself is a spark of God, or the awareness of all that is, was, and will be.

In this experience of being a person, one who is utterly unique, with no one else like you, you may wonder about your gifts.

Your first gift, of course, is simply being alive. It is the gift of awareness. However, you also have gifts of mind, unique perceptions, strengths and talents that others do not have in the same way.

When you focus on these gifts, you feel empowered. When you focus on what you didn’t get, you feel disempowered. You have a choice: focus on what is unique and special to you and feel empowered or focus on what you do not have that other people appear to have and feel disempowered.

Wisdom, of course, would suggest that you enhance your strengths. While it may be necessary to work on a few weaknesses, your best life will come when you can make your strengths even more compelling and impressive. You will experience more healing by reinforcing what already works than trying to fix all your apparent lacks and limitations.

The purpose of your life is to find fulfillment. It is not to survive, but to thrive. And your purpose will become clear to you when you examine your gifts and discover ways to offer them to the world.

Your talents will design your dream.

All of us are talented in some unique way, and none of us are perfect, but we don’t need to be perfect to live a happy and fulfilling life following and expressing our special dream.

However, as you begin the journey to express your gifts, you will encounter obstacles. This adversity itself is a gift. It exists as an opportunity to overcome some personal limitation. It is an invitation to reach for a better answer. Those who can find the gift in adversity have also found the doorway to their success.

What really helps, after you identify your gifts and design your dream, is to have a very clear picture of who you are, what you want, and how you can benefit the world. The more detailed your picture, the more expansive, the more joyful will be the dream that you will one day live.

Success begins with a clear, focused picture of your end result.

Action alone, without vision, is often dissipated as you pursue petty goals that do not ennoble your spirit. On the contrary, a clear vision followed by relentless action, a courageous spirit, and the willingness to learn what you need to know, will create for you a life that will lead others to stare in envy.

In a funny way, life is not that complex. Ask for what you want, and be prepared to receive it. Everything starts to unfold once you perceive your gifts: the gift of life, the gift of your unique talents, the gift of your vision, and the gift in the adversity that makes you grow to fit your vision. If you just keep asking for what you want that is what you will start getting.

Now discover your strengths. Take a few moments to begin accepting your spiritual nature and healing your life with this awareness. Once you discover your strengths, you can play to your strengths and start living the life that you deserve.

Many individuals nowadays prefer to have a home-based business rather than working at a job eight hours each day in the office or somewhere else where you have no control over your own working life. Some people are also into franchising and this may sound good but if you want to become a successful entrepreneur, then it is better if you don’t have to focus entirely on franchising. You should consider other business ideas that you can venture into. And in today’s world there are more opportunities than you can even begin to imagine.

With all of the resources available today research can be carried out with ease these days, thanks to the power of the internet. If you conduct your search online, you can find other business ideas that you can use as an entrepreneur. Beginners will especially benefit a lot, from the information they can find online about business ideas. Because of the many business ideas you can find online, you will often find it hard to choose the ones you like. It can be very easy to choose if you use your instincts. For instance, if one business idea feels right, take note of it but if you have second thoughts about another idea, disregard it. When you are first starting out it is hard to come up with these ideas that will work. It is therefore to your benefit when you find someone who is very successful, you should then study what they do and try to duplicate the system. But be careful and use your own material and do not plagiarize someone else’s.

As an entrepreneur, you should investigate further by gathering as much information as possible about the business ideas. True enough, franchise is absolutely a great idea. By choosing this business alternative, you can be the boss of your own business and you can earn unlimited income. However, according to experts, franchise and other internet businesses promise the same business opportunities. It will all differ on how you handle the business. The biggest differences are in the startup costs. Many franchises today have a minimum of $20,000 to $50,000 just to open the doors, whereas an internet business is usually only a few hundred dollars.

Not all individuals who desire to own a business can achieve this goal. In fact most never make it. What most people fail to realize is that being an entrepreneur is very hard work. There are many different factors to consider before you decide to become an entrepreneur. Even if you have the capital to finance the business undertaking, you can’t really be sure that it can give you high profits in the future, especially if you don’t know how to handle certain business situations like the marketing of your product.

Here is a very good example. As mentioned earlier, further investigation is needed to evaluate the business ideas that you have in your hands. Starting a business from scratch requires a lot of work. Suppose the business that you’re about to put up is also available in franchise, which business idea will you choose? For the smart entrepreneurs, they will already go for franchising because it requires less work. An established business undertaking is less expensive and less risky. But before you make a final decision, you must be able to weigh all the advantages as well as disadvantages. This is an essential part of choosing the best business idea.

First and foremost, you must be able to work alone. Once you’re an entrepreneur, you’re already self-employed. It would also be best if you can have the support of your loved ones. Once you’ve chosen the right business idea, you can spring it into action. Soon enough, you will gain the financial benefits that you’re dreaming of. Whether you choose to start your own business on the internet or you decide to build up your own brick and mortar business or even go for franchising, the most important thing is to develop goodwill. All the actions of the entrepreneur must be focused in attaining all the objectives of the business.

If you want to become an entrepreneur, you must research all the business ideas that you can get online. The internet can help you a lot. Also, don’t forget to develop the needed traits and skills as an entrepreneur. You can get many resources through the internet or you can talk to an established entrepreneur so that you will have an idea on what you’re about to undertake. You can also take some classes from a local college that will help give you more information on starting up and running a business. With good research and using your instincts it will make it much easier to find the right business. Once you have found it remember it will take a lot of work to build it up, but once you have it there, you will be well on your way to being a successful entrepreneur.

Are leaders born or made? The old adage states that leaders are in fact born. I disagree with that partially. Anyone can learn to become a leader, and be a successful one at that. That is the key, learning. Leadership is a process, one that requires learning and understanding.

Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the leaders in network marketing and the people that struggle everyday? They have an understanding, that in order to be successful you must take what each day gives you and learn from it and grow. Being a successful leader simply requires that you never stop learning. I have always believed that the day you stop learning is really the day you stop living. In business, they day you stop learning is the day that your business stops growing.

Business Leadership

First you must understand the difference between management and leadership. Management controls and directs people and resources using already established guidelines. Whereas leadership is when you set new directions and create a new vision for group. This difference is where people get lost. Look at your business, are you giving the people under you the same information that you were given to start your business or are you the one looking for ways to improve the business, not only for yourself but those people under you. A successful business leader is someone who is constantly looking for ways to improve and grow and teach his followers the same.

The process of learning for business leadership means that you spend the time to become familiar with the different theories of leadership. Practice your skills daily in all areas of your life. Family, friends, your co-workers, the neighbor next door, the clerk at the grocery store will see by your actions the type of leader that you are by the way you interact with them. How you live your life, the organization and attention to responsibilities that you have. Being a successful leader of your self proves that you can be a successful business leader.

Learning is so important

Survey after survey shows that overall that at least 92% find learning to be a confidence builder and enjoyable. Learning something new and mastering that gives you a sense of accomplishment and purpose. In the last century we have progressed from the Industrial Age through the Information Age to now the Knowledge Age. It will be vital to be able to obtain, assimilate and apply knowledge, the right knowledge effectively over the next hundred years. Success of a person will no longer be based solely on what they have done but also by what they will be able to do. How willing that person will be to learn and adapt in the future.

Learning is the key to achieving our fullest potential. It has the power to transform us, allowing us to become more successful at home, at work and within our community. Learning helps us find new solutions to our problems and change not only our own attitude but those of the people around us.

Ways to Learn

It is scientifically proven that people learn in different ways. Understanding how you learn is the key to making learning fun. There are people that learn best by reading. If you are one of those people then read books on leadership, philosophy, psychology and famous leaders. Learning to understand people and yourself are important in becoming a successful leader. Some people learn by listening, so use technology to help you. There are books on CD and audio, you can even download them on to an iPod or MP3 player. Some people learn by doing, so they get the idea and then they try it, practice it and perfect it. Maybe you are one of those people that learn better by combining the different techniques. There isn’t any one right way to learn, and the only people that can’t learn are those that don’t want to.

Lead Through Learning

People have to believe that they can achieve something that seems beyond their reach. So offering an encouraging and supportive environment helps to increase their willingness to try. It is a wonderful thing to be a leader that is constantly evolving and finding new ways to improve, but you also need to offer those opportunities to the people that you are leading.

Repetition is also important to leading through learning. The chances of a person retaining a concept that has been introduced to them dramatically increases the more that they are exposed to it. So don’t just show them on Monday and figure that they will be able to use it the following Monday. Less then 2% of people will be able to remember and use the concept. People need to be exposed to a concept 6 times in the course of a week. They then will retain that for 15 years. How can I prove this, look at TV commercials – who doesn’t remember the little gray haired lady yelling “Where’s the beef?!” Repetition, repetition, repetition is the key to success.

To be a successful leader, you must be a lifelong learner. Leadership does not only apply to our professional lives, but our personal life as well. From the way we handle a situation at work to the way we interact with the everyday people in our life. Being a leader is not something that you do, it is something that you are.

There are several facets of an online business that are important and it is almost impossible to put the different facets in order of importance. But customer service should certainly be among the top of your priorities to focus on. After all, it is the customer that keeps your business up and running.

It should be a goal of yours to go out of your way and make sure that every visitor and customer that passes through your site leaves satisfied. Make sure that every visitor feels appreciated from the second they come on to your site to the second they leave.

One thing that many online business owners overlook is the value of building a relationship with each customer. Developing a strong relationship with each customer can do wonders for your business. First off, it shows each customer that you care about them beyond their money. It shows that you want what is best for them.

Second, developing a relationship will gain each customers trust in you. By taking time out of your day to talk extensively with customers, they will have more faith in you and your business. Once you have gained the trust of your customers, the sky is the limit for the amount of sales that you will generate.

As mentioned, customers want to know that you care about their needs and not just their money. Therefore, it is up to you to view each customer as a person and not just another customer. You can do this by sending a few extra personalized email messages to make sure they are satisfied. Sending an email to see if they have any questions or concerns can be equally gratifying to customers.

Once you have developed this relationship, the business aspect becomes much easier. However, it is just as vital that you follow up with EVERY sale that you get from a customer. This will allow you to make sure that the transaction was made smoothly, the customer is satisfied with the purchase, and they have no further questions.

Following up with customers following a purchase can be a great way to offer additional products as well. You do not want to bombard them with too many offers in the follow up email. But giving them a few options that are related to the purchase they just made can be a great way to pick up a few extra sales.

If you truly want to succeed in your online business, customer service should be a top priority of yours. With quality customer service you can set yourself up for return customers, build quality relationships, and offer additional items in follow up emails. All in all, customer service should be a vital piece to your online business.

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